Friday, 1 October 2010

THe BCB Returns to HOSB, Autumn series 2010 - Oct.8th - GOLD PARTY!

Dear BCBoutiquers,
It has come to my attention that we will be instigating an offensive of Books, Booze and Boogie-Woogie on the House Of St Barnabas in the Englandtown of Soho next Friday October 8th at 7pm. Cleverly we will cover our tracks, cunningly disguising ourselves in gold and shiny things and all things that glitter like stars. This will put them off the scent. They will gaze upon the shine and glamour of our golden attire and completely forget the ghastly war. What i need to know is will you please all get naked and spray yourself gold and dance like the lady from 'the tales of the unexpected' please? Kidding? Come to The Book Club Boutique GOLD show... We will hear a five star, gold star, sneak preview of NIKESH SHUKLA's debut novel 'Coconut Unlimited'

And we will celebrate the launch of THE MECHANICS INSTITUTE REVIEW, MIR7 published by Birkbeck featuring new work from BERNADINE EVARISTO, XAVIER LERET, JOHN LUCAS, SALENA GODDEN and out this month too + we will high-five and salute the debut album of the utterly fabulous DEAN ATTA's "Missing Piece' too! Plus as if all that isn't exciting enough this will be The Book Club Boutique Band's FIRST gig with a NEW mystery member to the army...our NEW guitarist...mysterious indeed....but ALL will be revealed...!!!

 Dress Code GOLD - Goldfinger to Bollywood - think golden oldies, think golden brown and all that glitters is...And of course upon entry you will be served specially designed free 'Midas Touch' cocktails, liquid gold, golden nectar? yum! The General and now a short commercial break:

ARE YOU MISSING THE SUMMER? As you know in August at Standon Calling Festival The Book Club Boutique curated the BCB's own stage for the first time - 3 days of Books, Booze and Boogie-Woogie - dressed as gangsters and cigar-chewing molls.

We also produced the first Book Club Boutique Radio shows live on Diesel Radio. Here is a half hour clip, a taster of our summertime! Hosted By Salena Godden &Max Doray, featuring BCB stars, live interviews & live on site! 

WHEN IS THE NEXT BOOK CLUB BOUTIQUE? Remember, Remember, the 5th of November...

"Books Booze & Boogie-Woogie..." in The Bookseller: 

Please visit the BCB facebook group:
twitter: @BookCBoutique

"The Book Club Boutique is the bomb: It's not as much as on the grapevine as the entire vineyard." LEMN SISSAY 

"The Book Club Boutique is single handedly bringing the literary salon back to its gloriously pissed-up Soho-basement roots.” DAZED MAGAZINE