Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Poem 'girl in the park' / plus parties and poetry gigs and good stuff coming up!!

girl in the park

watch her now
smudge of a girl
furtively pocketing conkers
I always feels like I'm stealing them
says she
feels like stealing... 
but they fall from the trees for free
her pockets stuffed with chestnut baubles
useless treasure for spiders
shiny balls of good for nothing
but they are so beautiful aren't they
she holds one up in wonder
brushes off the muck
and holds up another
counts the colours
calls them red and brown and gold
horse and cello
and nuts
she'll be late
she'll be in for it later
but she's always 
in for it

(c) salena godden / autumn 2015

I've just added two more dates. I have got some fabulous shows and brilliant events coming up this autumn-winter. Come up and see me sometime!

November and December 2015

October 24th 
Stoke Newington Music Festival with Tim Wells

November 3rd
Inside, L'Escargot, Soho 

November 11th

November 24th

November 27th 

December 3rd 

December 14th

December 19th

December 22nd

New news:

I have two poems published in the November issue of  Woventale Press. Its a superb read with art and poetry and new work from Richard Skinner and George Szirtes among many others, here's the link:  http://thewoventalepress.net

Have you checked out my new Soundcloud page? I have started to share short and sharp audio treats, poems, songs and sound experiments, you'll find poems like "MY TITS ARE MORE FEMINIST THAN YOUR TITS" and other things on my new account here: https://soundcloud.com/salena-godden 

Lastly, in other news, my dear friend Kevin Richards has his film premier screening of TALES FROM LONELY TOWERS on November 21st at Vout O' Reenees! Kevin made the animation for the latest SaltPeter EVERYDAY single. He is brilliant, exceptionally talented and also the Book Club Boutique DJ too! RSVP here

Springfield Road audio book is out now!

More words and pictures: 

Radio and audio archives:  https://www.mixcloud.com/salenagodden

make soup not war

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