Tuesday, 14 July 2020

July 2020: BBC Radio, book and poetry news...

Hello there! 

Excited to share this!

BBC Radio programme ‘Telling Tales’ will be broadcast 11am + 4pm Tuesday July 21st. It’s an hour show presented and produced by Ali Gardiner and packed with my work so far: poetry and music, performance and publishing, radio drama and documentaries, activism and protest and my books and albums, including the latest LIVEwire released with Nymphs and Thugs and Pessimism is for Lightweights out now with Rough Trade Books. Plus a look back at our band SaltPeter and early days with Peter Coyte and the first drafts of 'Mrs Death Misses Death' my debut novel which will now be published by Canongate Books in six months time, January 2021. This programme features recordings of the month spent writing the last chapter of ‘Mrs Death Misses Death’ in The Curfew Tower in Cushendall, Ireland as writer in residence with Neu Reekie and also experimenting with the text with music and live performance collaborating with my brilliant friend the composer Peter Coyte. This one is a bit personal and a bit like a magic time capsule capturing the last 25 years and also new work in progress. It also reminds me of the time before when we could meet and talk, perform live on stage and travel. 

Thanks to Ali Gardiner - I really enjoyed making this. This programme is on air twice July 21st and again twice on July 22nd 2020! Thank you for your listens!

The first 3 quotes are in!

Thank you Alan Moore, 

Thank you Irenosen Okojie, 

Thank you John Higgs! Thank you!

'Mrs Death Misses Death' is available to pre-order


Have you heard of #TakeFlightHub? This new virtual hub will give you the opportunity to attend free talks, masterclasses, workshops and panel discussions throughout July. My masterclass: TUESDAY 28 JULY Memoir Writing with Salena Godden. This masterclass will explore memoir, authenticity, being your own narrator and writing with your own voice. I will guide you in how to use your empathy and observation to be a witness to the times we are in and how we weather this tumultuous storm. In my class I’d like to encourage you to have confidence, to write about your past lives and imagine a better tomorrow, to write about your lived experiences and perform and write the truth! Check out #TakeFlightHub To be eligible to take part in you must be an emerging writer of colour (Black, Asian, Arabic or Mixed-Race) based in the UK. Amazing month of events and talks! Don’t miss this! All info: https://www.spreadtheword.org.uk

Monday July 20th 2020 
Celebrate their 2nd birthday 
with The Social @thesociallondon 
Babak Ganjei, Johnny Banger,
Joe Dunthorne, Salena Godden 
4 Brown Girls Who Write

Thank you for a phenomenal and exciting 
2 years Rough Trade Books ... here's to many more!
Pessimism is for Lightweights! Thank you!

Rough Trade Books 
B'day party is now on youtube

Salena Godden shares 2 poems for 
Rough Trade Books B'day now on youtube

Episode 14 of That Awesome Poetry show is a blinder!
12 and a half minutes of spoken word magic. 
Check it out!


I'm sharing some poetry on Sunday lunchtime as part of the Primadonna Festival. Poetry is from midday on Sunday August 2nd on youtube. Over the weekend there will be a wonderful line up of talks and events and speakers, superheroes like June Sarpong, Sandi Toksvig, Shola Mos-Shogbamimu, Kit de Waal, Catherine Mayer, Stella Duffy, Monisha Rajesh and more more more! And it's all free and online. The programme for #VirtualPrimadonna is now live... head over there now to start planning your top picks for the weekend, see you there!! 

Visit: https://www.primadonnafestival.com

The July print edition of Byline Times 
includes this illustrated version of ’SUPER SATURDAY’ 
embellished by the illustrious artist Martin Rowson!
Get a copy! SUBSCRIBE: subscribe.bylinetimes.com

Episode 8: Roaring 20s Radio 
is up and out now, thank you!

Thank you to everyone for 
contributing your music, books, 
poetry, art and soul, 
Thank you for tuning into


That's all I have for July 2020
This July blog post would normally be a list 
of festivals, parties in fields and under the stars
I am missing you and your faces so much
I'm missing your laughter and mischief 
dancing around bonfires
raving from sunset to sunrise 
the smell of smoke and fireworks
making random new friends
swigging rum from the bottle
staggering about in my wellys
in a swirl of hay and mud and love
and summer and cider...
Please take care out there, 
wear a mask, wash your hands
Be safe, be sound, be kind 
and be human! 


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