Wednesday, 27 March 2024

Beautiful photos from Hackney Empire + NEW Spring tour dates

Hello lovelies, 

Spring is springing! 

Here are some beautiful photographs and some memories from a glorious evening at The Hackney Empire. Thank you to everyone who came to the launch of Hollie’s latest book ‘Lobster’ - It was an amazing experience, Hackney Empire is such a wonderful and legendary London venue. Everyone was so lovely and so kind, I noticed lots of smiles backstage and behind the scenes. Thank you everyone, it was such a beautiful audience. I was totally blown away by the performances of both Hollie McNish and Michael Pedersen, sending BIGlove to you two super-talented big-hearted beauties. Such a big energy. Magic. Synchronicity. Rousing support and solidarity for Diane Abbott both inside the packed theatre and outside the Hackney Town Hall.

Here’s some pics of sound-checking and mucking about backstage and onstage … oh for people asking, lately I have been wearing my pin-stripe suit by King & Allen, truly exquisite tailors, highly recommend. Photos here are a mix by Chris Beschi and Shaun Murawski. I love the photos of us watching each others sets. It really was a magic evening, thank you. Tickets are now on sale for some of my first shows of the book tour. I'll keep adding here as I go along... please remember to wash your hands, eat your greens and take care, see you out here and in there! Xxsg

+ Hollie McNish Lobster tour, tix & info:

+ Listen to Hollie McNish on the Women's Prize podcast 

+ Check out Hollie's book lists at 

With Love, Grief and Fury

"This is for the poets and provocateurs, artists and activists, witches and warriors, rebels and raconteurs, full-moon lovers and star sailors, bold-hearts and visionaries, prophets and preachers, hope-punks and big-dreamers..."

. . . hardback books are arriving . . . 

my unboxing video is on YouTube 

tickets are on sale now

see you at these springtime gigs, 

festivals, talks and bookshop events

April 13: Raise The Bar, Lyra Festival, Bristol 

April 27: Rough Trade Books, Southbank


May 7: Blackwell’s Manchester 

May 8: Foyles, Charing Cross Road, London

May 9: Brighton Book Festival

May 11: Writing on the Wall, Liverpool

May 15: Jawdance, Rich Mix, London 

May 16: Out-Spoken, Southbank, London 

May 18: The Bath Festival of Literature 

May 23: Norfolk and Norwich Festival  

June 2: Bad Betty Live, Nottingham 

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