Tuesday, 25 September 2018

Coming up: Not National Poetry Day at Rough Trade East + National Poetry Day at Arnolfini Gallery

❤️💛 Wednesday October 3rd 2018 
Not National Poetry Day
Rough Trade East, Brick Lane, London

💛❤️ Thursday October 4th 2018 
National Poetry Day
Tongue Fu, Arnolfini, Harbourside, Bristol

Press and reviews....

"Godden unleashes a ton of rage ..." 
The Quietus - http://thequietus.com

'Switch off the news. Read books. Listen to great music. Listen to the world never changing unless you change. Look at the sky and watch a sunset or sunrise. Engage in film and theatre. Support your artists. Use your library. Share petitions. Keep the pressure on....' Run Riot -  http://www.run-riot.com

'It Isn't Punk To Seek Permission'  
Caught By The River - https://www.caughtbytheriver.net

"This brilliant poem is here to remind us Pessimism is for Lightweights. Print it. Laminate it. And send it to all the wonderful women in your life." 

"Godden is less Godden and more Goddess, a superbly provocative delivery. Pessimism is for Lightweights appeals to me, as Godden puts it, “it’s apathy that hurts us all…love will conquer hate,” and this collection seems to surround itself with love."
Keira Brown in The Fountain Review - https://thefountain.eu/books

"Salena Godden’s Pessimism for Lightweights is a visceral approach to resistance poetry. As with Godden’s previous work, there is a raw, explosive energy to each poem" 
Adelle Stripe in Caught By The River - https://www.caughtbytheriver.net

"This year has seen Godden take centre stage and she’s worked hard for it. Her poetry embraces, it doesn’t coddle, it’s a poetry for people. There’s always a kick to her work." 
Tim Wells in The Morning Star - https://morningstaronline.co.uk

Rough Trade Booksroughtradebooks.com 

Salena’s Bookshoppe: salenagodden.bigcartel.com

‘LIVEwire’ out now, CD, LP vinyl and zine:  nymphsandthugs.net

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