Friday, 18 March 2022

NEW portraits by Chris Beschi + NEW BBC Podcast Radio Hour

Salena Godden by Chris Beshi, March 2022

Hello there, hope you are ok and happy to see spring springing! 

Excited to share six new images by Chris Beschi

We had so much fun shooting these new portraits. Thank you Chris!

I am such a huge fan of Chris's work, you can see more here... 

Mrs Death Misses Death 

2022 paperback book tour continues...

I have been having amazing adventures sharing the book with podcasts and radio shows, with lovely bookshops and libraries, and with festivals and friends. Thank you so much to everyone supporting this journey so far - I had such an incredible time doing Tubthumping in Leeds, a new show produced and hosted by Matt Abbott and Maria Ferguson Thank you! Thanks also to Journey to Nutopia at the Deliaphonic Festival in Coventry Cathedral and Karachi Literature Festival, Pakistan

Busy times; we've been in Dakota, USA with Tom Brosseau and The Great American Folk Show and recording podcasts Across The Pond and You're Gonna Die in California. When I returned to London, I was honoured to be asked to do a poetry performance for the mighty Patrisse Cullors, co-founder of BLM, at Rich Mix as part of her UK tour for her new book An Abolitionist's Handbook out now with OWN IT! 

Meanwhile over on Soho Radio you will find a vibrant new episode of Roaring 20's Radio out now featuring Violet Malice and Repeat Beat Poet performing live in the studio. Talking of Soho, this very week we had such an amazing paperback party at Waterstones, Gower Street. Thank you Waterstones and Canongate for making this dream come true. I wanted to have a party here for months when the book first came out, but had to wait until now and it was a lovely evening. Here's some action shots from Waterstones also by Chris Beschi, Thank you! That is a lot of good stuff. I am writing this blog and catching my breath today, sun is shining, blossom on the trees, and lots of exciting events coming up this month, this spring, this summer, this year, this one short life time... 

See you here and see you there, 

BIGlove, xxsg


March 23: Hastings Library

March 26: The Laugharne Weekend, Wales 

March 30: The Death Positive Library, Wanstead Library 

March 31: The Boozy Book Club (online)

'Mourn the dead and fight like hell for the living'

NEW Podcast Radio Hour with
Laura Grimshaw and Salena Godden

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