Friday 23 August 2013

Martin Luther King "I Have a Dream"

The 50th Anniversary Of MLK’s ‘I Have a Dream’ speech
Wednesday 28th August / South Bank / London

Gutsy choirs mix it with 21st-century beats, music, film, new commissioned work from poets Hollie McNish, Salena Godden and Charlie Dark plus Zena Edwards, Dizraeli and more…
with a rare UK appearance by the legends Last Poets!!! If you are on twitter you might like to follow @rageandradiate and check out the blog on

You will also be able to tune in and watch this show online, live streaming here:

Here’s the Southbank Centre link, this is HUGE and its FREE, get involved here:

Book Slam at The Clapham Grand, 29th August

DBC Pierre stars at the next Book Slam alongside Giroplayboy Michael Smith, Salena Godden, Francesca Beard, Matt Okine and Thabo and the Real Deal at Book Slam, Clapham Grand on the 29th August!