Monday, 1 June 2015

Poetry Reincarnation: The Roundhouse, Camden

Hello! Wow! We had such a brilliant night on Saturday at Poetry Reincarnation at The Roundhouse. The evening was hosted with excellence by Dan Cockrill, the line-up was diverse and exciting, young and new voices and poetry old school all gathering to perform and celebrate the 50 year anniversary of the first most infamous Poetry Incarnation.

Here are some pics and a youtube clip of my bit. I read two poems 'Tick No Box' and 'My Tits Are More Feminist Than Your Tits' - Thank you to all who were there, cheering and singing along 'All we are saying is give tits a chance'

It was an honour to be asked to contribute alongside some of my favourite poetry comrades and friends. I'm still buzzing and I salute you all. Keep fighting the good fight and thank you so much xxsg

Gwyneth Herbert, Cecilia Knapp, John Cooper Clarke, Adam Horovitz, Third Man Books, Elvis Mcgonagall

 Salena Godden, Dan Cockrill, Gwenyth Herbert

Adam Horovitz

Dan Cockrill

Steven Berkoff

Salena Godden

Salena Godden

Michael Horovitz and friends

Salena Godden

John Hegley

Francesca Beard

Dr John Cooper Clarke

Come see me at these gigs and festivals...

June 2: Word, Y Theatre, Leicester

June 5-7: Stoke Newington Literary Fest

June 17: Inside, L'escargot, Soho

June 18: London Short Story Festival

June 19-21: Salon, Also Festival, Warwickshire

July 11: Unbound Books, Cornbury Festival, Oxford

July 18-19: Lovebox, London

July 22: Jawdance, Apples and Snakes, Rich Mix, London

July 31: Ways With Weirds, Port Eliot Festival

August 14-16: Green Gathering, Wales

August 21: Edinburgh International Book Festival 

September 4-6: Festival No.6, Portmerion, Wales

October: US tour, road trip, bluegrass festivals, book fairs... 

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