Tuesday, 17 November 2020

'Mrs Death Misses Death' Author Interview in The Bookseller + Andi Oliver & Idris Elba endorsements

“For a book about death, which it is, it is sombre and deeply moving, But also playful and exuberant ... Part of what makes Mrs Death Misses Death so original and exciting is Godden’s freewheeling from prose to poetry to non-fiction. There are accounts of the deaths of real people woven into the narrative: These real deaths that Mrs Death speaks of are those of people whose murders have been left unsolved or whose deaths were not seen as a priority.” Alice O'Keeffe, The Bookseller

Read more here: 

Just a quickie post today to say thank you to Alice O'Keeffe in The Bookseller for my first Bookseller interview and author profile this month. So generous and kind about my work and my intention in all of this, thank you Alice.

Thank you to the legendary Andi Oliver for your endorsement and for mentioning both 'Pessimism is for Lightweights - 13 Pieces of Courage and Resistance' and 'Mrs Death Misses Death' on the fabulous Sky Arts Book Club Live. Love this new show, awesome books and authors, insightful and inspiring conversations, such great book telly! We need more of this sort of thing, most especially in lockdown. 

Mrs Death Misses Death is going to print any day now. There are all sorts of plots and plans, decisions and bookings are being made. My phone is a hive of busy bees buzzing, so much work is happening behind the scenes right now, thanks to all the Canongate team, you're amazing. 

All is left to say is a huge thank you to my heroes Alan Moore, Nikesh Shukla, Irenosen Okojie, John Higgs, Courttia Newland and Idris Elba for your stunning book blurbs and quotes. THIS Idris Elba quote came in yesterday, I admit I danced in my kitchen a bit, so brilliant, thank you Idris. I'm humbled and excited, I so look forward to seeing and sharing the beautiful finished hardback books soon. 

Ok lovelies, thanks for following these adventures. 
More soon, please take care, read books and play safe, sgxx

Mrs Death Misses Death

debut novel is now available to pre-order 
order now from your  local indie bookshops,
plus all Waterstones, Amazon, etcetera 
Read books! Stay safe and sound! 

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