Tuesday 12 June 2012

Flaming June!

hello you beautiful people, hows your Flaming June? 
i just got back from a wet and wild weekend performing in Hay
if its a little rainy for you too  - here's some June heat

Wednesday JUNE 13th am performing at the sold out  
Tongue Fu Flicks show with

Chris Redmond Salena Godden Kate Tempest  

Shane Solanki Scroob Pip Zena Edwards



Friday JUNE 15th I'm at The British Museum with  
First Story 
Debates with Will Self, Adam Thirwell & Alex Preston 
at the UCL's 'One Day In The City' event

Saturday JUNE 16th THE BOOK CLUB BOUTIQUE host the

Everyday SaltPeter & Animation by Kevin Richards
'EVERYDAY' - a slice of collaborative joy - now available on i-tunes
Released and Produced by The Book Club Boutique team!

Listen here: http://www.mixcloud.com/salenagodden

Twitter: @BookCBoutique / @salenagodden / @wearesaltpeter

AND Sunday June 17th hmmm...
I think I will eat a slice of bread to soak it all up a bit! 
See you there or here, over and out! 

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