Tuesday, 30 April 2013

The May Flies

coming up: gigs & giggles
Brighton, Bookslam, Blahblahblah, Soundwomen Festival,
Hay Festival, Venice Biennale, Stoke Newington Lit Fest & The London Palladium  

May 2nd / Brighton / Speaky Spokey
With Mick Jackson, Salena Godden, Mark Peterson, Gabriel Gbadamosi, 
Hannah Lowe and Odd Fellows Casino. Get your tickets from Latest Music Bar

 May 7th / Bookslam / Clapham Grand
With Caitlin Moran, author of 'How To Be A Woman'  
Plus writer and stand-up Sara Pascoe, and live music by SOAK, hosted by Salena Godden

May 13th / Blahblahblah / Bristol Old Vic
With Salena Godden and Holly McNish

May 18th / Soundwomen Festival / BBC Radio Theatre
Hosted by BBC Radio 4’s Fi Glover & Anita Anand and Magic FM’s Angie Greaves
From 1pm on Saturday 18th May in the legendary Radio Theatre at BBC Broadcasting House we’ll be showcasing Sound Women and Sound Men with inspirational stories, who have achieved something exceptional. They’ll be music, poetry and comedy and the bar will be open with plenty of opportunity to meet and chat to speakers and fellow festival-goers…

 May 27th / Hay-On-Wye with Unbound Books
With Red Dwarf star Robert Llewellyn, Strangler Hugh Cornwell,
writer, performer Salena Godden, novelist Charles Fernyhough
and archaeologist-turned-crimewriter Francis Pryor 
with a little help from publisher John Mitchinson plus poet George Chopping   
7pm, Digital Stage. £6. BOOK HERE

 May 28th / Venice Biennale / Trolleyology Book Launch
With Venice debut presentation and performance of 'If The Heart Is A Bell' sound installation and tribute for Gigi Giannuzzi and 10years of Trolley Books by Salena Godden

June 3rd / Stoke Newington Literary Festival
Knock yourselves out with tickets to see Irvine Welsh in conversation with John Niven on Monday 3rd June.  And brace yourself, I've been persuaded to support, to be the warm-up act, for this very scottishyblokeyboozeybookysweary gig...Yay!


June 9th /  The London Palladium

 'Springfield Road' by Salena Godden
support crowd funding and make your pledge today here
 'Springfield Road' on tumblr